
Same Day Test Marketing

Ask Hundreds of real people

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feedback quickly.

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MarketValidate is a real-time test marketing poll platform in Kã¢Githane that helps companies and entrepreneurs make better-informed decisions about their products, designs and marketing in Kã¢Githane. Get valuable insights from hundreds of real people and make smarter decisions.

How MarketValidate Works

An easy 3-step process to get to insight:

  • Create a poll and select the target audience
  • Start seeing responses in minutes
  • Access reports and review responses
Ask a Question
Ask a question and provide a few options. Poll types include star ratings, A/B voting or ranking of options.
Get Feedback
MarketValidate sends your poll to hundreds of pre-vetted participants who provide meaningful responses, providing you with the market validation you need to make the right choice.
View Reports
View reports in seconds and in real-time. View respodent preferences broken down by gender or other demographics.

With MarketValidate in Kã¢Githane you can quickly run test marketing polls to determine which concept is the most appealing. Ask people what they think first. No matter who does your , the key is to see what people think before you invest.. Get it right from the start.

Polls start at $50
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